The Diablo Burger

The Diablo Burger

Diablo 4 nights inspired me to create the Diablo Burger! Spicy,crunchy and juicy, it get’s you fueled for endless grinding!

The Diablo Burger

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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 4 minutes
Servings 1 Burger


  • 1 burger bun
  • 250 gr ground beef
  • 100 gr radicchio
  • 100 gr grated cheddar
  • 2 tbsp siracha sauce
  • 1 tbsp mayo
  • 30 gr doritos smashed
  • 2 red peppers
  • 1 slice tomato
  • salt, pepper & paprika


  • Preheat a pan at medium-hight heat.
  • Season the ground beef and form 2 equal patties. Add them in the pan and cook for 2:30 minutes per side, then add cheddar on top and let it melt.
  • Finely chop the radicchio and trasnfer it in a bowl. Add mayo and siracha, then mix well till all igredients combined.
  • Cut the pepper edges and staff them with grated cheddar. Cook in a preheated pan for couple minutes untill the cheese is melted. Remove the peppers and quickly toast the burger bun.
  • Smash the doritos and tranfer them in a plate. Spread siracha sauce on the top burger bun and cover it with doritos. Pierce the pepper edges with toothpicks and stick them on the bun to make the horns effect.
  • Assemble this beauty and enjoy!
Keyword burger, crunchy, diablo, spicy

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