Chicken bites, pepper stripes, corn, lettuce and mayo rolled in tortilla. One of the best 5 min snacks you can make. One pan needed.

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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 tortillas


  • 2 flour tortilla
  • 1 chicken breast or boneless thigh cutted in stripes
  • 4 tbsp corn canned
  • 100 gr lettuce chopped
  • 2 bell peppers chopped
  • 4 tbsp mayo


  • Get a pan, add oil or butter and preheat it in medium heat.
  • Meanwhile cut the lettuce and the peppers and then cut your chicken in thin slices. You want thin slices so it will cook fast.
  • Add the chicken in the pan. In 3 minutes of cooking time add the peppers and continue cooking untill chicken is ready. Cut one chicken stripe open to make sure it's not pink.
  • Get the tortilla wraps on a cutting board, add mayo and spread it, add lettuce, corn and then seperate the pan mixture on your wraps.
  • Roll them like a burrito. (Fold 2 edges in so they will keep the mixture in. Then roll tight.) Cut in half and enjoy.
  • You can stock some in the fridge for up to 3 days. Its an all day snack and it's even delicious even straight from the fridge.

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